About This Game Make America Great Again, in which you assume the role of President in fighting against Islamic State who have occupied and brought destruction to areas in the Middle East. Make America Great Again, is a different kind of game, a 2D indie game, that mixes pixel art with digital painting. At first, the user finds the commands odd, but then the game becomes surprisingly entertaining and exciting, being hit you lose and must restart the level. The fearless leader will face the Islamic State (ISIS) in different regions, and the tests of his mission increase as the game progresses. However, President counts with an infinite amount of ammo that he took from front lines of the war. One sure thing. You will either love or hate this game! It takes a particular skill player to defeat ISIS. 7aa9394dea Title: Make America Great AgainGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:e-SolutionPublisher:e-SolutionRelease Date: 16 Sep, 2016 Make America Great Again Activation Code [cheat] make america great again gif. make america great again socks. make america great again font free. make america great again ne demek. make america great again tank top. make america great again xl hat. make america great britain again queen. make america great again xmas ornament. make america great again website. make america great again new era fitted hat. make america great again grammys. make america great again hoodie. make america great again fabric. how to get a make america great again hat free. make america great again 30 rock. make america great again poem. make america great again en espanol. make america great again board game. make america great again iphone wallpaper. make america great again hat camo. make america great again bathing suit. make america great again lanyard. make america great again comic download. make america great again create your own. make america great again phone case. make america great again aliexpress. make america great again yamaka. make america great again hat font. make america great again apparel near me. make america great again uncle sam. make america great again font. make america great again golf head cover. make america great again nails. make america great again 45. make america great again 59fifty. make america great again in latin. make america great again 2020 video. make america great again mens swimsuit. make america great again ornament. make america great again 1911. make america great again ornament reviews. make america great again apparel. make america great again 2016. make america great again logo generator. make america great again baby clothes. make america great again cowboy hat. make america great again funny quotes. make america great again gifts. make america great again christmas ornament. make america great again mesh hat. make america great again the trump presidency. make america great again hat generator. make america great again kennedy. make america great again one piece bathing suit. make america great again anagram. make america great again tattoo. make america great again in russian. make america great again ufc fighter This game makes me want to use cheats.. Bad game. Terrible President. So sad.. This game is a piec--- not good. The devs should be ashamed and Steam should take it down. Why am I so harsh with this game? Let's see.Graphics:They're kinda ok, but the sprites seem a little big to me. Like when you're playing one of the older Commander Keen games but zoomed in WAAAY too much. Somehow, even with its simple graphics, this game results in the most horrible screen tearing which I rarely encounter (the background image distorts badly). So maybe VSYNC is a must. But why bother?Dying ISIS troops fall down and stand up right again before vanishing in an instant. No bloodsplats or any other graphical change.The muzzle flash on Donald's gun only appears while he's jumping and shooting, not while he's walking.When Donald shoots, he shoots from his wrist, not from the tip of his (shot)gun. The bullets are yellowish orbs. No buckshot or anything. Kinda weird. Once he dies, only then his animation changes - for the remainder of the game he always looks the same - at least as far as I can tell because I can't beat the first 30 seconds of the first level (more on that later).Sounds:Music and sound are meh. Kinda okayish, nothing special as far as I can tell. It is not too bad but nothing really stands out for me. Ok, one thing does: the dying Donald sounds like a wimpy ghoul getting lobotomized.Edit: Also holding down the shoot key lets you spray out many bullets, but there's only the audio for one shot. Hooooorrrrriiibbbllleee.Edit 2: You can trigger a nice sound bug if you shoot with space bar AND simultaneously clicking the shoot button on screen. Let's you fire a huge barrage of bullets too.Controls:Jumping feels weird. Donald stays in the air for a kinda long time. However, this feels "in tune" with the horribly big zoomed graphics. Walking left and right and shooting is responsive. There don't seem to be any more relevant controls.You can also shoot by clicking the shoot button on screen, but why would you do that? Maybe this was born as a mobile game, which could explain lacking quality.Design:Horrible. Just horrible. Enemies can walk through barrels, while you can't. They can shoot through barrels - which you can not do (correctional edit: You can, but you can't shoot past barbed wire). One hit and you're done by the way; I wouldn't have a problem with that if the game wasn't that bad. Standing on top of the oil barrels (first level) does not allow you to dodge your enemies, since they walk right through the barrels and are so big you're done for, since your feet will always be touching them.Then, a few screens into the first level is a part where there's a barrel, a good length of barbed wire behind it and of course an enemy which comes shooting at you and passes through the barbed wire unhurt. I'm almost sure this jump needed here can't be done, although there are people claiming they've reached Level 2. I've tried the aforementioned jump several times and always I've landed at a tiny edge of the barbed wire or got hit by the enemy spawning there.Edit: Yay, I get that jump once in a while, so it is possible. But there are more just like this one in the level.Another edit:You just have to not care for the graphics, you can walk further on top of most barrels than it seems. I've uploaded a screenshot to my gallery if you want to see "my Donald" after a tough jump. In comes the crazy overpowered camel! It can be defeated of course, just as usual, just spam your gun everywhere you go. That's great!My final verdict?Stay away, don't even get this at a discount like me, you'd need to be a hardcore masochist to even get a tiny bit of enjoyment from this "game". THIS SHOULD NOT BE SOLD AND ANYBODY WHO VOTED FOR THIS ON GREENLIGHT (I'm assuming that's how this piece of code got here) should lose the ability to rate a game on Steam forever. GRRR. No, I'm not that angry, I'm just overdramatizing. Because anger.It's probably e-Solutions first game, so we can cut them some slack. But... it just could've been better. A lot.TL;DR:Fu--- ignore this game, not worth too many cents in its current state. Horrible execution, lame, bugged. My verdict might be different if at least some of the issues would be fixed. Maybe the Devs could fix the barrel graphics or change the jumping distances. That would be a start.Yes, I've changed the wording of my review. While rudeness might be funny it isn't always necessary.. <h2>TL;DR:<\/h2>Five of five would get decked by camel again (IGN)---------<h2>PROS:<\/h2>+ Clean and family friendly+ Beautiful graphics+ Adorable sprite work+ Does not bash or stereotype Trump+ Amazing backgrounds+ Soothing, nostalgic-esque music+ Kebab removal+ Fast-paced+ Addictive+ Extremely challenging for people with poor motor skills (like me due to autism)+ Your worst enemy is a spastic camel, or three, or ten, CLYDE GET AWAY FROM ME THIS INSTANCE<h2>CONS:<\/h2>- Controls are unwieldy and lack options to change what keys do what- Jumping is difficult to control, making many obstacles very difficult to surmount, but this is part of the challenge I like- Pressing left and right moves Trump an exact space, making fine control and aiming difficult- When using the mouse, you can only shoot by clicking in one corner of the the screen, and as such, you often fail to shoot when you want to if you forget where your cursor is-----<h2>LONG SUMMARY:<\/h2>This game is a cheap, wholesome, side-scrolling addition to any Steam Library, and ESPECIALLY for any Trump fan. The artist who designed the game made painstaking effort to make the game look beautiful, elegantly mixing pixel work into stunning backgrounds. You can see the love put into this game.This game is NOT for Trump-bashers and Hillary voters (unless they have an open mind).This game is NOT for those who are impatient. Be ready to try again and again and again, always failing and restarting to get it right. The satisfication is amazing when you clear that part you struggled.I am proud to give my stamp of approval on this adorable little game. It could use some work in its controls, but the gameplay is solid and I am absolutely in love with the graphics. I normally don't care about graphics, but in this game, it really adds to the experience.For the price it sells at and for a bit of difficulty with the controls, I have gotten my money's worth, and will gladly be decked by a camel again. -and again.-and again.-and again......-and again.. We need to build a wall around this game and Make Steam Great Again.. Controls are horrendous.Can I pay extra for this game to donate to the dev in order to get them to take this turdling down?Left the game running an extra three minutes in the background so I could leave this review and I now need a shower... with sulphuric acid.... Please stop.
Make America Great Again Activation Code [cheat]
Updated: Mar 18, 2020