About This Content The Zags is a tanker wagon used for transporting gas over a long distance. These gases can be natural Gas or any other pressurised substance.The Z means it is a metal container for Gases or Liquids, the A means it has 4 axles, the G means the load is compressed and the S means it can run up to 100Km/hFeatures:3 liveries Loaded and Unloaded versions b4d347fde0 Title: TS Marketplace: Zags Pack 02 Add-OnGenre: SimulationDeveloper:Skyhook GamesPublisher:Dovetail GamesFranchise:Train SimulatorRelease Date: 5 Apr, 2017 TS Marketplace: Zags Pack 02 Add-On Ativador Download [cheat]
TS Marketplace: Zags Pack 02 Add-On Ativador Download [cheat]
Updated: Mar 18, 2020